8544 W Bellfort, Suite 251, Houston, TX

(832) 492-3000

The Successful Nurse Coach:

Creating Your Thriving Business

A highly interactive 6-week series for nurse coaches facilitated by

Carolyn Freyer-Jones, M.A and

Mary Turner, RN, BCNC

Start's AUG 16th @ 6:30 PM CST

The Successful Nurse Coach:

Creating Your Thriving Business

A highly interactive 6-week series for nurse coaches facilitated by

Carolyn Freyer-Jones, M.A and

Mary Turner, RN, BCNC

You entered the world of nursing to make a difference and to serve. Now you are a nurse coach, combining your skills to serve in even greater ways, making a difference in the lives of others.

You want your practice to thrive financially – this requires new skills and new ways of being with yourself and your business.

This 6-week series provides key opportunities for:

  • Getting on the court with creating business through slowed down, service centered conversations (most business owners are not slowing down enough to serve people right in front of them!)

  • Learning and practicing the difference between Selling and Serving

  • Discovering new ways to show up in your business that creates deeper, more lasting results with the people you want to create as long-term clients

  • Uncovering the top 2 blind spots that are blocking you from creating a strong business

  • Experiencing greater joy and inspiration as a business owner who knows how to create clients through service and connection (not selling)!

This 6-week series provides key opportunities for:

  • Getting on the court with creating business through slowed down, service centered conversations (most business owners are not slowing down enough to serve people right in front of them!)

  • Learning and practicing the difference between Selling and Serving

  • Discovering new ways to show up in your business that creates deeper, more lasting results with the people you want to create as long-term clients

  • Uncovering the top 2 blind spots that are blocking you from creating a strong business

  • Experiencing greater joy and inspiration as a business owner who knows how to create clients through service and connection (not selling)!

We are going to create momentum – this series is for nurse coaches who are 100% ready to learn, to let go of what’s not working and to take action now, with heart!

This series is not for you if you are unwilling to experiment, unwilling to work and complete assignments in between the live workshops, or unwilling to have fun.

The series is limited to 40 dedicated participants. All Zoom calls require full participation, no exceptions. We will be transforming your work and your way of looking at your work! Starts Aug 16th.


Carolyn Freyer-Jones, M.A leads the world class CFJ Coaching Success School the only school dedicated exclusively to assisting coaches in learning how to grow their businesses through slowed down, meaningful conversation and service.

She is a highly successful coach and facilitator, working with corporate leaders, creative executives, business owners, coaches and more in creating greater success, impact, fulfillment, joy and peace in their lives and work.

Mary Turner, RN is an AHNCC board-certified nurse coach and certified E-Myth business coach.

She is a seasoned professional who offers a wealth of expertise and effective strategies to empower you in your journey toward creating a thriving business. With her guidance, you will uncover the tools and support necessary to embrace lasting business change and create a life that truly works for you.

Mary is committed to addressing your most pressing concerns and guiding you through the process of scaling your business by overcoming overwhelm, procrastination, and fear. Beyond offering valuable insights and answers, she will equip you with proven strategies and time-saving tools to accelerate your progress, preserve your resources, and energize your journey towards lasting transformation.

Frequently Ask Questions

What is the workshop's duration?

The workshop is a 6-week program conducted entirely online, with sessions once a week on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM Central Standard Time. Each session is for 90 minutes per session.

What will be covered in the workshop?

The workshop will cover a range of topics related to coaching, such as coaching techniques, communication skills, goal-setting, understanding clients, ethical considerations, and more.

Who is the target audience for the workshop?

The workshop is designed for aspiring or practicing nurse coaches who want to enhance their coaching skills and gain valuable insights to improve their coaching practice.

How can I register for the workshop?

Registration details and links will be shared when accepted.

What technology do I need to participate in the virtual workshop?

You will need a stable internet connection, a computer or device capable of video conferencing, and access to basic productivity tools like email. Your camera is required to be on.

Will there be any assignments or homework during the workshop?

Yes, the workshop may include interactive exercises, role-playing, or homework assignments to reinforce the learning.

How will the virtual sessions be conducted?

The virtual sessions will be conducted through a video conferencing platform (Zoom) where participants can interact with the facilitator and other attendees.

What are the workshop fees, and how can I pay?

This is a complimentary workshop for those that receive an invitation and register before the workshop completely fills up.

Will I receive a certificate upon completing the workshop?

No, this will not be a workshop on theory. We will be sharing actually tools you can immediately implement into your practice.

Will there be opportunities for networking with other participants?

You will have an opportunity to join a Facebook Group to connect and network with others.

Who will be facilitating the workshop?

The workshop will be led by experienced coaches and experts in the coaching field, who will guide the participants through the sessions.

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